Jual NewsPocket Flutter Apps




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The new way of intelligently mobile news app platform. NewsPocket - Feed in your Pocket.

Feed in your pocket. Real-time, Lite, Smooth & news around the world and also weather forecast based on your location.

NewsPocket - Feed in your pocket.

  1. Integrated with API NewsApi.org, https://newsapi.org/, free registration and replace your API KEY.
  2. Integrated with API OpenWeatherMap https://openweathermap.org/, free registration and replace your own API KEY.
  3. All data news based on your location.
  4. Realtime, smooth, lite and almost widget is Stateless Widget
  5. Flutter Template News UI Kit only

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1. Flutter Framework

2. Visual Studio (VS)

3. Open Readme File NewsPocket_Briefs.pdf (read carefully)

4. Run Command VS, flutter pub get, flutter run (emulator / device)


NewsPocket feature:

  1. Home, news data about Headline, Weather, Technology, Bussiness, Entertainment and Sport Highllight.
  2. Category, list of options Headline, Health, Entertainment, Sport, Business, Technology, Science, Politics, and General Category, refers to NewsAPI backend system.
  3. Bookmark, list of your bookmark news and also realtime weather forecast based on your location.
  4. Search, you can find all news by any keywords refres to NewsAPI backend system or you can select from the sources such as CNN, ESPN, Fox Sports etc..
  5. Setting, is only template of user profile.
  6. Left Drawer Menu, is only a template of left menu hide/show.